Wednesday, June 6, 2007

If your reading this you know I have moved


Long time no post. I have given up on aol and type pad. If your wondering what happened it is a long story but it starts with my old computer having a melt down and my getting a new computer (lap top and it is hands off for all the kids). Once the new lap top was plugged in and working well I thought all my problems were solved. No it turns out the new aol doesn't like type pad and wouldn't let me post. Now any one who knows me know I tried. So the white flag has been tossed and I have moved over to blogger. Keeping my fingers crossed I'm back.

Yes I have knitting to show. What else was I going to do with my computer in need of TLC. i just haven't loaded them into this computer. It takes time to get to know a new computer. I'm back and that is a good thing.