Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A mitten for me

I haven't made mittens for some time. That is until yesturday when I made a mitten for me. Didn't know it would be for me. It was supose to be for someone much smaller. If I had kept to that pland I would have enough for 2 mittens. As it is now I don't think I have enough. Now in the back of my brain I keep thinking I have another ball of this yarn. Yes I'm sure I do. It will just take a bit more stash diving. Now if I don't blog in the next couple of days call the athoritys the stash has eaten me. A problem with plan no one reads this blog but me. Oh well. On with the projects.

I knit 12 rows on my sock. 720 stitches.

My mitten yeilded 2100 stitches and a finished project.

I started a new project it is called a So Ho Sling from "Bags a knitters dozen" I recomend the book. A well seasoned knitter such as I am can still learn something and this book taught me that.

So Ho Sling bag yeiled 4500 stitiches last night.

My total for the day is= 7320

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